Yakin vs Bimbang
LOL, judulnya gak banget-_- Iya nih, gue sedang dilema. Gue sekarang kelas X, mau penjurusan. No, don't say "jurusan kampung rambutan" or others, that's not the answer. Oh I know, maybe a few people said that's "a joke crisp" . Haha. Really confused :* eh salah emot-_- yang bener gini :( Emoticon can describe all your emotions, eaa ini gue kenapa deh-_- Gue tuh sekarang kelas X, atau bisa juga dibilang 1 SMA. Dimana penentuan jurusan. Gue mau curhat disiniiii.... Awalnya tuh gue udah fix banget sama jurusan IPS. Why? I don't know why. My little heart said social. But.... My mind said science. Why? Why always different between heart and mind?